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Detective agency in the village Lishnya

Maybe it will be too bold and self-confident statement, but it is extremely difficult to imagine how complicated and complicated the matter should be that the staff of our detective agency "Conrad" could not solve. Naturally, we are ordinary people and do not talk about our omnipotence. But many years of experience, well-chosen personnel and close cooperation with colleagues around the world allow us to tackle the most difficult situations that for others seem hopeless. The only obstacle in our way are only those cases that are associated with restrictions under the law.

People search

You can never be sure that at any time you can reach the right person, and he will pick up the phone. Naturally, we always expect that all our contacts will work the first time. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. People change their phones, their place of residence and, in principle, sometimes disappear in an unknown direction. But this does not mean that you can not find a person by phone number. The main thing that this search for people involved experienced professionals, which you can find in our detective agency. Of course, it is very important for us that you could provide us with maximum data from the person you need to find. But even in the absence of such, and with minimal information, it is possible to achieve success in this direction. And you can contact us not only in critical situations that arise in your life, but also in banal cases, when you just need to establish someone's address by phone number.

And even more so it is necessary to use the services of private detectives, when it comes to finding relatives who are missing. Of course, this is not the most pleasant thing that can happen in a person’s life. And in most cases is a huge family tragedy. But while there is hope, you need to use all the resources.

How to know that you are being watched

In the generally accepted understanding, private detectives are mainly engaged in monitoring a person, conducting photo-surveillance and collecting information. And not everyone knows that also private detectives can prevent possible surveillance of their clients and eliminate the consequences of such an infiltration into private life. Naturally, here, depending on the specific situation, a whole complex of measures is being built. But there are key actions that are used in almost every situation. At a minimum, it is necessary to conduct an inspection of the premises to identify listening devices. And even if our specialists immediately fail to detect wiretapping of mobile phones, this does not guarantee that they will not appear in the future. Therefore, the search for bugs should be a periodic procedure, if you already once had at least suspicions that someone was watching you.

If at the same time you are the head of the company or you basically have people in submission, then it is also necessary to conduct a polygraph test on anyone who may come under suspicion of espionage. In particular, we recommend using a lie detector during interviews. This will not only immediately eliminate the possible penetration of spies, but also identify inappropriate people positions.

Identification of marital infidelity

There are no identical people, just as there are no typical situations in a family. And for each person his problem is the most important and unique. Therefore, even when conducting the detection of marital infidelity, we always use an individual approach. Unchanged is the basis of our work - this is confidentiality. Therefore, if you have any suspicions about your second half, you should not immediately start a scandal, and even more so to file for divorce because of the betrayal of a woman or a man. It is enough to contact our detective agency so that the experts will carry out a verification of loyalty and provide you with only reliable facts on this matter. And you can be sure that even if your wife has a lover, only you will know about this fact. And if it turns out that your second half is absolutely true to you, then your relationship will not suffer at all from the manifest distrust.

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