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Determination of marital infidelity

Determination of marital infidelityMarriage, as we know, are made in heaven. However, unfortunately, it is no secret that in real life marriages often break up. According to statistics, every second marriage breaks up, and half the reason for divorce is adultery. Psychologists have identified a number of alarms, which give reason to suspect your significant other of infidelity. These include, for example, the sudden attention to their appearance. For example, a man may begin to lose weight or exercise, use toilet water, which previously did not like to wear a tie, although I did not wear it, and so on.

You can mark the change in the behavior of its second half. For example, a calm and good-natured wife starts to be aggressive and rude to talk with your spouse. Banal move people to another room while talking on the phone can also be a sign that he has secrets. Spouse may begin to remove from your mobile text messages. If you did not mention any of these signs, however, intuitively feel that you are deceived, not be amiss to see this. Put your trust in our agency and you will not regret that it was addressed to "Conrad," because we guarantee confidentiality and reliability of the data provided. We know our business and help you to find out once and for all that you hide from a spouse.
Here are some options for action offered by our agency to establish the fact of adultery (or lack thereof):

Checking the lie detector (polygraph)

Advantages of this method is its low cost, simplicity, and high confidence (99-100%). In addition, the result you get very quickly - the testing procedure takes about two hours. The disadvantages include the fact that a polygraph test person has to take place on a voluntary basis, so that the anonymity can be no question. Cost of service - 1500 hryvnia per person.

The establishment of a surveillance

You will need information about the object of observation (tastes, habits and routines) and its photo or a detailed description of the appearance. The results of the activities you will learn where, when and with whom contacted the object (if necessary - photo and video report), find the schedule and route of its movement. The service cost is $ 300 per day or $ 40 per hour (the total amount will include incidental costs). It is important that the customer understood that surveillance - this laborious work, in which the main thing - not to betray its presence. Be vigilant and not fall for the fraudsters, which are many in the market detective services. In our agency has experienced and professional staff who are on the shoulder every task.

Verification of Allegiance

This service also requires detailed information about the tastes and habits of the object, in particular, as he (or she) likes to spend free time, what movies and music preferred, as well as the date of his (her) birth, and phone number. Service cost is about $ 2,000 (it may vary depending on the status and visibility of the object).

Other methods of

The above is not an exhaustive list of services to establish the fact of adultery, which can offer the specialists of our detective agency. You can be sure - in addition to these activities, there are other ways to check. The reliability of the information obtained as a result of their use is very high, but the use of a sufficiently sensitive methods, we provide after a preliminary agreement with the client, discussing all the details carefully. As a result of these activities you will be able to establish the details of your communication of the second half and find out with whom and how often he or she is communicating.

We believe that every case is different, and act on the basis of the situation. Remember that we are able to solve any sensitive issue. Do not waste your time and do not torture yourself guesses. Find out all of our help once and for all!