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Composite agency in the village of Demivshchina

Do not hide the fact that some services of our detective agency are really expensive. And in this regard, we never deceive our potential and regular customers by promising to turn the whole globe over for a minimal cost. But at the same time, the cost of our services is quite adequate and corresponds to the resources expended to solve a particular issue. And if the solution of a problem requires minimal expenditures, then we honestly and frankly tell our customers about this, not trying to earn them more than what it costs. There are situations with which it is impossible to turn, for example, to law enforcement agencies or to any other state structures, since they simply do not address these issues. We take on virtually any problem with which they come to us, the main thing is that it does not contradict the legislation of Ukraine. Therefore, if it seems to you that the services of a private detective have a higher price than it actually is, then consider how expensive it can be for you to independently resolve issues or even ignore them completely.

What to do in case of adultery spouse

In some couples, even the thought can not arise that the second half changes. Each spouse is so jealous of his family life that it is even impossible to imagine how he might have a lover or lover. But this does not mean that your second half will not have any doubts on the subject of treason. Sometimes even just want to know how a person is capable of betrayal. In this case, you just need to contact the detective agency to order a test of loyalty. We will artificially create a situation of seduction with an experienced specialist. And already by the reaction of your second half, it will be clear how this person is truly loyal to you or a woman can afford to have a lover.

But if your relationship has already reached such a level that you have certain suspicions that the wife or husband is cheating, then it is imperative that you order the identification of adultery. Our experts will conduct their own independent investigation and provide you with only reliable facts on this issue. This data will be enough to decide whether to file for divorce because of the betrayal of a man or a woman, or you still made a mistake in your assumptions. At the same time, you can be sure that your other half will absolutely not suspect that we are conducting an external observation.

Polygraph Employee Verification

For any leader, it is very important that his team consists only of trusted and reliable people. But, as a rule, it takes a lot of time to form such a team. After all, if a person has passed all the stages of the interview, this does not mean that he is really worthy to work in your company and in practice will confirm the views that have been formed about him. But today, many managers began to use such a tool as a lie detector during the interview. It is a polygraph test that allows you to make the selection of employees at the highest level and choose really decent ones.

In addition to the fact that this method of recruiting specialists allows you to hire only those who meet the stated qualities, it also allows you to identify spies. In our practice, it is often found when our customers' competitors specifically hire people for implementation in the team so that they collect the necessary information.

Search bugs

The presence of bugs and other listening devices is already the result of the appearance of spies in the team. Of course, people can install such wiretaps in a different way. Therefore, even if you carefully select specialists, this does not mean that no one will penetrate your office, they will install bugs. And, therefore, the inspection of premises for the identification of listening devices should be a periodic procedure.

The search for bugs must be carried out by professionals, since this is a fairly specialized field of activity and it is simply impossible to detect wiretapping of mobile phones without special experience and special equipment. We have everything necessary for this action.

Can I find a person by name

Many people believe that they can order people to search only in extreme situations when it comes to missing people. In fact, our specialists work with a variety of cases that arise in the lives of our clients. Of course, we are looking for relatives who are missing, and we can even take up the search for witnesses whose testimony can help you in a particular trial. Or you can count on our help in finding fraudsters or debtors. And also we are always ready to help you find a person by last name or by phone number, if you don’t have other original tones.

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