Is it possible to determine that the signatures are made by one person?
ERB to see a specialist to learn how to conduct an examination of handwriting.
"The signature lists were studied two groups of criminologists from the Interior Ministry, they found some of the dates that were set with one hand. We can not be so! People experienced, not a single campaign gone. We will appeal. I'm sure it's not true," - says the head of the initiative group Milinkevich Yuri Meleshkevich.
Now only one way out - to cause people whose signatures were declared invalid, that they accepted or not. But while the Electoral Commission showed no sign those who these people are - is unknown.
Yuri Meleshkevich: "We have not given an inspection report, and will not issue, as chairman of the commission."
To appeal the decision of the district commissions to the CEC, the applicant has three days.
"The law stipulates that a person who was going to the candidates who have the right to see the sheets in which there have been mistakes," - says Igor Draco, it is also not registered. Due to errors in the statement. By the signatures themselves have no complaints, but the wrong issue subscription list - the law is also a violation.
"There could be so many people with bugs in the rooms of houses and apartments," - Igor Draco going to check back for the Election Commission of their subscription lists.
In local elections in 2003 in a military town Ovens signing Sergei Salash repealed. For the same reason as that of the Milinkevich. Salash then came to court, people have confirmed their signatures, but ... candidate did not register it.
I had to get all the signatories. It is good that the local elections had to collect only 100 signatures.
"At random I found people who were taken by deceit receipts, which said that the people behind me were signed, but the date of becoming a member of the initiative group", - says Sergey Salash, members of the Commission with the police came to the apartment and asked to leave signature on blank sheet for comparison:
"Here, you sign your name on a blank sheet, we will check the signature and the candidate will register. On top of the signature printed text, which stated that the date is not put down his own hand."
Nikolai Lozovik told ERB story about the representative of a party that has come to complain. The district commission declared his signature invalid due to the fact that members of the initiative group themselves indicated date.
"Those sheets which he brought, it was obvious that all dates are put one hand. A handwriting, calligraphy beautiful, smooth, all the numbers are the same. There's no doubt about it. Nevertheless interviewed members of the initiative group, and he said that his hand staged. not read the law simply. "
The members of the initiative group Milinkevich argue that the date of each signatory to put his own hand. But the reverse recognized forensic experts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
ERB has found out, the results of such assessments are pretty accurate, but a 100-percent guarantee is not given.
"There are some slopes, the scheme of writing letters and numbers. Everyone writes differently. Someone makes a left tilt, someone right. Example, take one. Someone puts a stick, a stick with a dash of someone at the top who something with dash top and bottom - the classic figure 1. To know exactly what kind of person wrote this figure, it is necessary to take the figure and her writing that person 15-20 times, - says the expert Ukrainian detective agency" Conrad".
Each figure should be compared with the same numeral in all dates. But it is desirable to analyze not one, but several figures. The official said the detective agency, a group of experts to conduct a comparative analysis of one (!) Digits with 10 others, will need about 1.5 hours.
We Milinkevich was about 3 thousand signatures! Why spend so much time working forensic experts if it was easier to just ring up people?
"This method is the most common when the commissioners simply call up citizens.'s Not always possible to find a phone," - meets CEC Secretary Nikolai Lozovik.
In the District Commission in Uruchcha say that some people called and they confirmed that they themselves did not write the date. But while the members of the initiative group showed not only the results of the examination, but also invalid signatures.