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Industrial espionage

Industrial espionageWhat is the essence of industrial espionage? This set of intelligence activities that are aimed at obtaining information from competitors. In contrast, competitive intelligence, industrial espionage is a manifestation of unfair competition as well as collecting, processing and use of information obtained is usually done in violation of the law. Used illegal methods through which you can get the information that is commercial, official secrets or those that are protected by law from disclosure. During the competitive intelligence techniques used by more legitimate, and all information obtained only from the legal, public sources.

The purpose of an industrial espionage - obtaining pecuniary advantage. It is hard to resist the opportunity to save time and money that would have to catch up or keep up with competitors, if they are more advanced in their development and in the conquest of new markets.

Local entrepreneurs believe that in their industry, their market segment, industrial espionage is not likely, as experience has only IT-shnik or major manufacturers whose business is closely linked with the latest technology. This is partly true, but even an ordinary trader in the market, which will assess the impact of industrial espionage, are unlikely to abandon it in the future. It's the easiest and surest way to learn all about their competitors, and then calculate their effect on several steps forward. This makes it possible to hold a leading position in its market and always be head and shoulders above the competition.

Industrial espionageLarge domestic and foreign companies for exploration spending up to 20% of profits each month. More than half of the funding is allocated for industrial espionage, and, of course, no one will admit it. Even if your company does not plan to use the methods of unfair competition in its activities, will not be superfluous to protect themselves from their competitors who may not be as honest as you, and form their own system of protection against industrial espionage. And for this purpose should be established a clear image of the "conventional enemy."

What actions can be considered industrial espionage:

• The deterioration of the image of a competitor through the dissemination of false information, rumors and gossip
• Gathering information about a competitor of the sealed sources (tax records, test results, information from law enforcement agencies and courts)
• «arrivals" or imitation of these "raids" by criminal groups or law enforcement agencies (this provides information about the real owners, illegal "roof", as well as "break the spirit" of the personnel of the company's image and create unreliable partner)
• The introduction of agents in the work team and senior management on Wednesday to obtain timely, strategic information
• Bribery of top managers, poaching key employees to competitors
• Establish surveillance of employees and office, illegal wiretaps and video

In order to avoid becoming a victim of unfair competition, it is necessary to develop a set of measures that will allow time to identify and effectively prevent the manifestation of industrial espionage. Detective Agency "Conrad" has many years experience in this activity and we will take all measures that would be manifestations of industrial espionage on the part of the competition became impossible. They are:

• To ensure against unauthorized access to the office of the company, its financial records and reporting through the establishment of reliable security and surveillance
• Instructing employees on the order of actions while interacting with law enforcement, taxation and other regulatory bodies, as well as a course of conduct with clients and visitors
• Control of information that contains trade secrets
• Rigid selection criteria of employees and their constant monitoring of compliance
• Develop a system of personnel motivation and responsibility for disclosure of internal information
• Establishment of clear measures to comply with computer security and monitoring of users of computer networks, check for eavesdropping and other devices for removing information
• Establishment of internal security and control of all employees

If you do not know, it does not mean that competitors do not engage in subversive activities against you. Your competitors do not sleep and are ready to sacrifice everything, that would leave you behind. Industrial espionage is dangerous not only because it can permanently unsettle the company's management, but also can completely destroy it. Therefore, it is best to use the services of professional detective agency "Conrad," and we will develop a full range of security measures that you would not be a victim of this brutal fight for the market.