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Private detective to the rescue

Private detective to the rescue


Services detective agencies in demand, but it is still illegal


Around the world, there is a gradual demand for services of private detectives. And if you believe the latest figures, that about seventy percent of the population of the United States, or to be more precise, it is considered the best business address in a detective agency, than to go to the police. If we talk about Europe, then there every tenth citizen at least once used the services of detectives in the field of surveillance or when the need for investigation. Ukrainians also prefer to trust their secrets and problems detectives. According to statistics, in the detective agency has paid more than fifteen percent of the citizens of Ukraine, and plans to take advantage of their services was one in five Ukrainians. But as long as the provision of services detective agencies of our country happens on your own risk due to the fact that at the moment the market is illegal, if we talk on the subject directly.

But what specific services currently provide our Ukrainian Holmes The list on the one hand not very large, but it is incredibly diverse. It is in the detective agency You can order wanted in any form, as well as if you need to establish the fact of adultery, then this service you will also have here. Data collection and organization of information photographic surveillance is the prerogative of the detectives. in particular, they are, and business intelligence. "According to our own statistics among the leaders orders currently in family matters. More specifically, people are asked to provide them with proof or disproof of adultery, - he said on this subject head of the detective agency "Kograd" Yuri. - And if, for example, on the same West this service is very popular only in connection with certain mercantile purposes, when people just want to file for divorce and get a part of the common property, our people tend to order this service for their own reassurance. We had once a situation where the customer has ordered us to the provocation of his wife to infidelity. Here's his Slavic perception of the world: it is necessary to know how much he can trust his other half. " And in such conditions, for example, a simple observation would be worth to the customer on the order of two hundred to six hundred dollars a day, and holding a photo or video for his second half will cost more than a hundred plus dollars a day. In general, all such investigation will cost between five hundred dollars a day. The limit is determined by the financial possibilities already the client.

According to Yuri, tracing services are quite often. And seek not only to their favorite girl or old classmate with whom long time no see. Often may contact the detective agency, and those citizens who simply can not find their loved ones with the participation of the police. "Almost ninety percent of these people, our participation becomes a lifeline, and the best way out of this situation - says Yuri - as in law enforcement in the current economic situation, there is no interest and motivation to spend their strength and nerves to conduct such difficult operations . The search can also take several months, and the result might be zero. We're in such cases, for their work we get real money, which is the best incentive for all the necessary work, which is important to get a specific result. " Also very often refer to issues such as the search for witnesses to a traffic accident, well, or any other incident. These witnesses are necessary in order to protect the client in court. And depending on how complicated is the order of our client, the detectives are ready to take the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars. But there are very complicated cases, when you have to travel to another country, or to cooperate with law enforcement. In this case, the board can reach a thousand to five thousand dollars.

"We sometimes bought conducting surveillance in his own apartment, - says Yuri, - when they want to conduct surveillance on the way behaves in a house cleaner or nanny. But lately, as many companies are asking for installation at the camera in the office to be able to keep control of its own staff. " In general, the detectives themselves noticed how active in the use of their services were representatives of business. For example, the very popular such a service, as the holding of gathering information, and before her most loved ex-wives, who were interested in the financial situation of their former spouses, alimony or grooms from abroad. But to date, a request for the collection of information about a particular person often do large companies that produce special recruitment for senior positions or in leadership positions. And before you recruit a particular person, the head of the company will certainly check it out. This also applies to new business partners. The same make and banking institutions involved in the issuance of loans. If the request for this service is standard, the cost of such work will be about two hundred - three hundred dollars. If the situation is more complicated when it comes to corporate interest and ethics, there is a price to grow - two thousand dollars. Most often, there is no detective agency some specifics in terms of prices as a private detective does not know all the details of the order. It plays an important role complexity of the application, and then, what kind of sources will use the detective to perform a particular task. A very important role in this regard plays a detective skills to interact with certain informants. And in this regard, the detective agencies often are former police officers.

But in regard to the powers vested in the Ukrainian investigators can argue very long and hard. Given the anecdotal evidence, that today the country has about two thousand private detectives and agents, half of which is located in Kiev. But the rest of the bulk of work in other major cities are located in the eastern Ukraine. This activity is quite profitable. The average income of each private detectives can reach about five hundred thousand or a million dollars a year. Of course, it all depends on how much detective work and what volumes it carries. But for all that Ukrainian business in private investigation is significantly different from all that is happening in other countries. Here he is no settlement by the legislation.

By and large, at this point in our country is not prohibited detective activity as such, but only its specific elements. For example, you can not violate the privacy of correspondence or listen to other people's phone calls. Including forbidden to penetrate into the secrets of a strange correspondence that may be transmitted by any means, including by computer. But on the other hand, the activity of detective agencies is totally illegal, even in a situation where it refers to a completely innocent things such as, conducting checks of adultery or of data that are listed in someone's autobiography. In accordance with Article Thirty-two of the Constitution of our country completely prohibited any insight into the personal or family life of any person living in our country. And there is no capacity to collect and then use the confidential information of the person until he gives out his consent. Such exclusive right are only representatives of law enforcement agencies that can by law to conduct surveillance of individuals, and to collect evidence for their misconduct.

"The main paradox is that for some works in accordance with the law, private detectives have to hide themselves - draws conclusions on the issue Yuri Conrad. - For example, our detective agency is registered as a publishing center, and to get some information, we just spend a journalistic investigation. With a journalist's ID, we still get certain rights and powers, which allow us to collect information. Our other colleagues are recorded as consulting companies, conducting consultations, as security bureau or law firms. At the conclusion of the contract with the client we write that render him "Information and consulting services" or "provide hidden protection."

Very interesting is the moment that there is world experience in detective work and its legal regulation. And this experience is rich enough. In other developed countries, and foreign investigators are often not very competitive, and law enforcement officials, even their strong support. In the same America or Germany to France, those detectives who are officially registered, with counters, which are similar to police badges. And they can bring them, giving them the right to gather information for a full investigation. Including these detectives are actively involved in the investigation of the smallest nuances, which greatly increases the percentage of solved crimes.

For example, in the United States, a list of available powers detective depends on the kind of skills he has. For example, the class "A" will lead only to collect information. And these detectives are investigating mainly marital and other family issues. A detective with the category "C" may even carry a gun, carry out investigations, can detain a suspect, then to pass it to the police. And so they are equal to law enforcement officials. The same powers are and British detectives, who are free to conduct investigations in criminal matters, can detain the offender and send the collected materials to the court. But they can not carry out searches and arrests.


Private detective to the rescue