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Polygraph Zaporozhye: "Lies - is stress. Hide it from me-not. "Comment polygraph detective agency "Conrad"

For five years, the expert for conducting polygraph tests Ligia Bauer is using a tool such as the polygraph, determines the truth or falsity of human words. Of course, she says that over the years his work has already learned to identify and without this tool, as one is sincere, it is simply relying on his years of experience in this area and a private study of information in the field of physiognomy.

As a specialist polygraph Ligia worked for three years at the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the region, and currently works in the detective agency "Conrad". Ligia told our newspaper that in the course of their work over the years to come, she saw a lot, and came to the conclusion that indeed Hugh Laurie, starring in the image of Dr. House, was absolutely right when he said that people in that or less, but all the time lying to each other. And this occurs constantly, several tens or hundreds of times per day. I learned to seek surrender. It tells the specialist working with the polygraph, it is in 2009, has been trained in specialized courses, which were held at the base of the center of vocational training and psychological security of commercial structures "Alfa-Shield." This training was exactly the specialty polygraph. And from 2009 to 2012, for three years, she worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, dealing with a variety of criminals to find out the true state of affairs in the crime. It just forced them to tell the truth. But I had to do not only study, but also to perform various physiological examination. Although most often had to carry out research is part of the initial stage of the investigation. This allows for mids contingent to designate those people that have to work directly.

But in order to work on the criminal case it was really productive, it is important to study all the details perfectly, every one of them. The most ideal option, it produces when leaving the crime scene. But this is very rare, since the timing of such work extremely compressed and do not allow much abrupt and a wide variety of movements.

- How much time to talk with the person and find out the information you need?

- This always happens in different ways. Most often, one person is required to spend at least two hours of painstaking research. But there are situations when the suspect agreed more quickly, considering that this is able to fool the detector. But there were times when I had to spend all his energy on something to persuade the person to undergo such an interview, though I knew that he did nothing wrong. At times it required three days. And the thing is that to start doing any research specialist nature can only be the case when the person agrees to it.

- Has your practice some special cases for all time at the police station?

- Yes, but by and large, I remember almost all such cases, because each of them is unique. Of course, at a time when such experts, as I have just started to appear, then to us it was very biased. Nobody believed in our capabilities and abilities. Even now, the court may accept the conclusion of the investigation on the basis of using the polygraph only in its sole discretion. But there are situations in which, without the use of the polygraph just impossible to do.
For example, it was in my practice, when I have accomplished a very serious crime, and the procurator was well aware that holding the murder case is the result of a specific person. But in this situation simply is imperative to conduct psycho-physiological examination was based on the placement role. But there were still situations when the person was in the heat of passion, but so carefully managed to remove the traces of the crimes committed, that all the evidence obtained were indirect. But it required only direct his words. By and large, it was sound recognition. And in this situation we have engaged. In some cases, even just a chat asked to make a confession, or surrender. And my colleagues managed to achieve it.

Everyone is trying to fool a lie detector

- And how do you conduct research?

- The most important aspect of our work is solely an individual approach to each person. The very same work based on the principle of tests. We attach the sensors to the man, and I invite him to answer some questions, and also offer answers. But I still beat these issues so that in the course of our conversation, a person simply is cornered and will inevitably have to give specific answers. He had no choice. It is also important that the voltage has stabilized. The very fact that you sit and you are connected with the different wiring already injected into a stupor and stressful situation. My task in this situation is to help the person as much as possible to relax and relieve stress. It should be set to work. The whole procedure takes a survey usually no more than forty-five minutes. But before that, I spend about an hour on it, just to talk to someone about anything.

- You are right on the answer may determine whether your man is lying or telling the truth?

- Yes, polygrams immediately testify what kind of reaction has passed. But much also can be seen immediately and facial expressions of man. All of it is the same no matter what age, character and temperament of the person sitting in front of me. But it is very important point is to make the separation of the reaction Told lying or just holding association. They are very similar, with the difference only a few indicators. That is why, before you start doing experiments, we arrange sighting tests that properly then read the response of man and of his body on some issues. For example, I can say that people put forth a certain number to be in the range of one to ten, and after that, using the same test, I shall call him the number, which he put forth. Many aspire to get out, start calling a completely different number, not the one that they were immediately make come true, but now in his reaction and I see that happening on the monitor, and carefully observe the reaction of the person on his face. Therefore, it becomes immediately clear what kind of number was initially make come true.
- Most respondents are attempting to fool a lie detector?- Yes, it can be said that time. Almost all believe that if they just pull myself together, and they are easy to pass a polygraph interrogation. That's just in such a situation does not play absolutely no role as far as you are calm or restless appearance. Lying is a very strong stress for the body, which can not be controlled. And in any situation you will manifest its symptoms. Will breath, participation palpitations, start sweating and many other features. And when the stress in a particular case in the process lies in humans occurs accumulation isolation adrenaline. Of course, to use the polygraph in everyday life - it is a costly exercise, but also quite pragmatic, as opposed to the constant scandals in the family and clarify the relationship. Well, or at work. The cost is typically between one and a half thousand hryvnia.

- What you often have to perform orders at a time when you're already working in the private structure?

- Let's say first that not every region of Ukraine and has worked as a specialist in the field of polygraphy. But they are needed most in the area of ??business. It is in employment is very often necessary to carry out by the staff. This will allow the company to secure the future of the theft, financial fraud, the commercial espionage. Naturally, we are also conducting an investigation, if precedent is taking place.

And it is very important to say that if you plan to invite to the work of a specialist to work with lie detector, keep in mind one thing, that this is not an expert psychic. I'm often asked the question about whether the respondent human penchant for what he can do the spread of commercial information. But I can not give answers, but research and spent only on those issues that relate to the present day. Accordingly, if you hire a person today, you do not risk anything, but how can I know what will happen to them in five or ten years.

- And often turn to family issues and problems?

- I am very glad that personally to me with such questions never addressed. This is a very sensitive issue. But my colleagues a few years ago there was one story, when she asked the man working in the upper echelons of power. And he brought his mistress to check. It turned out that she was already in the ninth month of pregnancy, and it is very worried about whether or not it is his child. But we will never conduct in such situations verification because examine such a large period just is contraindicated. But the fact that she insisted to pass this test. As a result, it became clear that she did not change and the child is really his. But we must understand that a morally difficult to carry out such work. It is much easier to work with simple commercial organizations where you can just disable all of its own emotions and work with maximum objectivity.

Trying to make money on the truth

When you're close to the polygraph, there is a feeling as if you are completely naked. And there are people who are attempting to win even a lie detector money. Thus, one man from Zaporozhye named Anton Syrtsev even dared to take part in a television show Dmitry Karpachova. The young man was connected to a lie detector and asked him tricky questions to which he had to give honest answers. And if, in accordance with the terms of the show, the participant could answer honestly committed to all twenty-one question, he earned one hundred and fifty thousand hryvnia. But if he lied at least once, all the show came to an end for him instantly.

And in the course of this transfer, it became clear that the owner, who lives in Zaporozhye, is up to his ears in debt at the moment, in this connection, and forced to take money from her sick mother. By Anton replied it was quite clear that he is incredibly loves money. Of course, the leading tried to provoke him to a very sharp answers. And even several times Anton replied quite honestly, if you believe the testimony of a lie detector. But the question that has been raised in relation to his wife and their life together, very much caught the man. As a result, it is l, which instantly became clear printing. And after your first miss participant left the show, I did not arrive at a. But Anton admitted that the program greatly changed his life.

- It is very difficult to provide answers to various questions at the moment when you are connected to the various wires, and even with the camera focused on you, but with the family sitting in the hall you people - he told Anton. - I am very much worried about this point, but I tried to answer all the questions as honestly as I could in my power. And it is not clear why the polygraph thought I was lying. I had a very unpleasant experience. It seemed that I like standing naked before all, and some simple machine knows much more than you know about himself.

I'm sure that it was in my case there was a technical failure. But I am also convinced that such a device must be used in the investigation of crimes, it would be very helpful to the investigation. I think that at seventy, eighty percent of it is really true all shows all the emotions of a person.

Participation in the program has changed a lot for me. Like a jolt went through the emotional, and I do not regret that took part in this show.

Our employees have decided to talk with a psychologist, as well as leading the project, Dmitry Karpachova, to see how the lie detector actually able to give only truthful answer to this question.

- I am absolutely sure that he only gives truthful answers. But this does not exclude the importance of and the person who is engaged readout, polygraph - talk about Dmitri Karpachev.

- What is the main function of a lie detector? Its task is to detect the emotional jolt respondent person, as well as its physiological response to events that occur at the moment with him. But it is to recognize the reaction - is the task of the expert working at the moment. And it is very important that people who are involved in the survey and readout, knew exactly what he was doing. There is also a very important point is the fact that people who work with us to have a really great experience in the industry. For example, our polygraph Igor Antennal has about sixteen years experience in the field of investigative doznavatelnoy work. And you can be sure that this experience in conjunction with the work of polygraph can determine whether a person is lying or still tell the truth.

Opinion Other

Maxim Dmitrienko stayed in prison instead of "Pology maniac" for 8 years.

- I passed lie-detector test during the investigation "Pology maniac." I remember the moment when I was to connect all these different postings to my fingers and stomach. I had to answer "yes" or "no." I say in all cases, only the truth. But how exactly were evaluated my answers, I unfortunately do not know. They did not explain anything and then did not give transcript. But then there were some clues, based on which the investigation of the case. Therefore, no one, probably not delved into my answers to the questions.

I'm sure that the polygraph - this is nonsense, that can not be supported and relied upon. Not a word of truth, and people decide your fate.

Daily "industrial Zaporozhye"

Author: Anastasia Karataeva